Monday, September 23, 2013

Crunchies and PG Tips

I have wanted to travel to the UK ever since I was a kid. My grandmother, nicknamed "Nanny," would make her way over to the states every few years for a visit. She'd "save up her pennies," pack two giant suitcases, and spend 12 and half hours on a plane. One suitcase was filled with boxes of PG Tips, delicious sweets like Crunchies and Lion Bars, and clippings of various English newspapers my Nan wanted to share. The second was filled with all of her clothes. She was bringing so much new culture that I wanted to experience myself. Every year she visited, she brought new pieces of culture. It only fueled my desire to visit the UK even more. I always told my Nan that I would one day come over and visit her. Unfortunately, my Nan passed away while I was in high school before I got the chance to see her in England, but that didn't stop me from wanting to go.
Chocolate covered honeycomb. Yes, please. 

            The final push that got me to buy the plane ticket was my friend. She told me she was traveling to Europe alone after college graduation. We talked about how much I've always wanted to go, but have never had the time, the money, or the courage to make that leap. She kept telling me how this opportunity to travel together might not ever happen again, and that this was the time to do it. I definitely had the desire to go. The only problem was trying to get over the fear of getting into a huge metal bird and flying over the open water for 10 hours straight. The thought almost stopped me from going.
Not ok, Lost. 
            Every time I get on a plane, I automatically think it is going to crash. I know, it is the absolute WORST thing to think of, but I can’t help it. I picture major turbulence, and the plane shaking furiously. The plane starts to descend vertically and the oxygen masks fall into our faces. People are screaming, luggage is flying, and I am crying. Yeah, you get the point. I blame it on the pilot episode of the show Lost. Thankfully, I avoided that thought on our British Airways Boeing 777. I watched nearly 4 movies and drank free wine. After about 9 and half hours, we made it to our first destination. Dublin, Ireland.


  1. I'm so sorry you didn't get to go while you're grandmother was alive, but I'm glad to mustered the courage enough to go! How long were you there? What would be one piece of advice you would give anyone traveling there? I've been to London, England, but not Ireland or Scotland. Maybe one day, hopefully I can go back.

    1. I was only in Ireland for a week and London for a week. My trip was way too short. My advice would be to just have an open mind and be willing to do anything. I had so much fun not having an itinerary. My friend and I met so many amazing people that way. I got over my fear of being shy. You should definitely try and visit Ireland if you ever get the chance. It was by far the most beautiful place I have ever been to. Especially, the countryside and the coast.

  2. I totally understand your fear of flying. I have a similar fear. I'm glad that you finally got the courage to go and have a great experience. I've always wanted to go to Europe and after reading this, it makes me want to go even more. What's the one thing you would suggest to someone if they were going there? Like maybe the best food place or bar?

    1. Don't be afraid to move out of comfort zone. I had so much fun going out and meeting new people. We went to a couple pubs in Dublin that were a lot of fun. The Gravediggers pub was definitely a favorite and there was another one down the street that had 4 different levels. Each one was playing different music. The main hall had dance/club music and the others were rock.
